Any high school athlete planning on participating in a fall activity at Red Lodge High School please plan to attend!
over 3 years ago, Adam White
There's been a lot of work going on with the high school project. Looking forward to our students' future opportunities!
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
Asphalt - Automotive
CTE Asphalt Overview
Long Jump/Triple Jump
Shot Put
Here are the supply lists for Mountain View and Roosevelt. We are month away! Looking forward to seeing everyone again!
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
K-3 Supply List
4-5th Grade Supply List
6-8th Grade Supply List
Here is the 2021-2022 school calendar in a single page.
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
2021-2022 School Calendar
Quite a bit going on with the High School Project! We have a ways to go but the project is making good progress!
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
Roof Scribbing
East Side Drainage System
Business Classroom Windows
Track/Field Gravel
Here are the Fall High School Sports Schedules! Go Rams! Don't forget Sports Physicals at the Civic Center on Thursday July 15th!
over 3 years ago, Adam White
sports 1
sports 2
Mark your calendars! Beartooth Clinic is offering physicals for $25.00 July 15th at the Civic Center!
over 3 years ago, Adam White
Another week, another step toward completion!
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
Concrete Heating System
Southeast Siding
Agriculture Classroom Framing
Track Curb Drainage System
The CTE Center and track/field project are making great progress!
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
Track Curb1
Track Curb 2
6/23/21 Board Meeting Wed, Jun 23, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM (MDT) Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also dial in using your phone. (For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.) United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679 - One-touch: tel:+18668994679,,314580669# United States: +1 (571) 317-3116 - One-touch: tel:+15713173116,,314580669# Access Code: 314-580-669 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
Beartooth Billings Clinic will be offering sports physicals on July 15th at the Civic Center. Remember, yearly physical required prior to participation in school activities. Go Rams!
over 3 years ago, Adam White
1ST TO 8TH GRADE VOLLEYBALL SKILLS CAMP July 7th, 8th and 9th Hosted by RLHS ALUMNI NATALIE HILDERMAN & DOROTHY MASTEL! See image for details Register Online at:
over 3 years ago, Kirt Nell
1st to 8th Grade Volleyball Skills Camp
RED LODGE VOLLEYBALL SKILLS CAMP 2021 July 19th, 20th and 21st Open to any and all high school athletes Cost - $150 Red Lodge High School Gym Register Online: at
over 3 years ago, Kirt Nell
High School Volleyball Skills Camp
Great progress on the project! Framing is beginning and the sub-grade to the track/field is nearly complete!
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
Iron workers
South framing
Here is some summer camp information for basketball and football. Feel to contact coaches for more information.
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
Basketball Camp
Football Camp
Just a reminder for high school check out tomorrow. Juniors 9:00 am Sophomores 10:00 am Freshmen 11:00 am This is the time to turn in your books and pay any fees that need to be taken care of.
over 3 years ago, Adam White
Just a reminder that Beartooth Clinic is offering an early Sports Physicals session this Wednesday, June 2nd from 8 am - 12 at the civic center. Thank you Beartooth Clinic for offering this prior to summer activities starting.
over 3 years ago, Adam White
June 2nd
Good Luck to our Track and Field athletes today and tomorrow as they compete at the State Track meet in Laurel! Go Rams!!
over 3 years ago, Adam White
Today our K-5 students traveled to the new Career Tech Center to sign their names on the floor of the new building. Thank you Mr. Quenzer and Mr. Huffman for explaining what will take place in the new building and where we are in the process!
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
CTE Signing 1
CTE Signing 2
CTE Signing 2
CTE Signing 4
Continuing progress on the Career Center. The building trusses are going up this morning!
over 3 years ago, John Fitzgerald
Career Center 1
Career Center 3
Career Center 2