Fans, students, parents, teachers, advisers,
community members and more.
We are a group of volunteers dedicated to supporting all officially
sanctioned high school activities. It is our mission to provide
encouragement, assistance and monetary support to all
students, advisers and teachers involved
in these activities & organizations.
Please come join us!
We meet on the 1st Monday of Every Month (Aug - May)
5:30 pm at Red Lodge High School
Red Lodge Booster Club
Tiffany Bray - President
Sarah Giovetti - Vice President
Tracy Emineth - Treasurer
Click here for: Request for Funds Form
The Booster club supports all sanctioned High School activities.
When does a request form need to be filled in:
If a participant in your activity needs financial assistance with purchase of items required to participate fully. (Advisor/Coach must present these requests. Discretion is important when making the request. It is not necessary to provide the family or individuals name needing assistance.)
If your activity needs equipment or something that is not provided by the school budget.
Request forms can be given to a Booster board member, emailed, or mailed. Please provide detailed information for your request. Some requests can be approved/disapproved before a meeting, but most requests are held until the next monthly meeting. Booster meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month.
We look forward to serving our youth!